Sergio Moro – 2016 Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People in the World Gala – Outside Arrivals – Time Warner Center – New York City, NY, USA – Photo Credit: Laurence Agron / PRPhotos.com
Birth Name: Sérgio Fernando Moro
Place of Birth: Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Date of Birth: August 1, 1972
Ethnicity: Brazilian (Italian, German, Spanish, possibly other)
Sérgio Moro is a Brazilian federal judge, writer, and professor. Sérgio is most known for being in charge of the prosecution of crimes related to the Operation Car Wash (Lava Jato) since 2014.
Sérgio is the son of Odete (Starke) and Dalton Áureo Moro. Sérgio has a brother, Cesar. Sérgio’s father had Italian ancestry, with roots in Veneto.
Sérgio is married to lawyer Rosângela Wolff.
Sérgio’s paternal grandfather was Levino Nadal Moro (the son of Luiz Moro and Lucia Nadal). Luiz was the son of Giuseppe “José” Moro, who was Italian, and of Margarida. Lucia was the daughter of Italian parents, Giacomo Nadal and Angela Cescon. Giacomo was born in San Fior di Sotto, province of Treviso, Veneto Region.
Sérgio’s paternal grandmother was Áurea Godoy. “Godoy” is a Spanish surname.
Sources: Genealogy of Sérgio Moro (focusing on his father’s side) – http://www.geni.com