Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil – february 17, 2020: Thiago Seyboth Wild (BRA) during championship tennis, Rioopen at Jockey Club
Place of Birth: Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná, Brazil
Date of Birth: 10 March 2000
*75% German
*15.625% Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other]
*9.375% Italian
Thiago Seyboth Wild is a Brazilian professional tennis player.
His father is of German descent. His mother has German, Italian, and Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] ancestry.
Thiago’s paternal grandfather was Helmuth Wild (the son of Friedrich “Frederico” Wild and Adelina Föll). Helmuth was born in Rio Grande do Sul. Thiago’s great-grandfather Friedrich was born in Russia, the son of Jacob “Jacó” Wild and Paulina. Thiago’s great-grandmother Adelina was born in Russia, the daughter of Friedrich “Frederico” Wöll and Maria.
Thiago’s paternal grandmother is the daughter of Roberto Boger and Edmunda Grubert. Roberto was born in Klöstitz, Bessarabia, now Ukraine, the son of Daniel Boger and Regina Steinwand. Edmunda was born in Rio Grande do Sul, the daughter of Martin Grubert and Amalia Oling/Lux, whose parents were from Rozhyshche, Russia, now Ukraine.
Thiago’s maternal grandfather is the son of Friedrich Rupprecht Seyboth and Ingrun Klagges. Friedrich was born in Rio Grande do Sul, the son of Karl Seyboth, who was German, and of Maria Stella Ruschel, who was of German descent. Ingrun was born in Germany, the daughter of Dietrich Klagges and Emilie/Amalie.
Thiago’s great-great-grandfather Dietrich was a Nazi party politician and the appointed premier (Ministerpräsident) of the now abolished Free State of Brunswick, from 1933 to 1945.
Thiago’s maternal grandmother is the daughter of José Augusto da Silveira and Agnes Aparecida Nicolini. José was born in São Paulo, the son of Joaquim Augusto da Silveira and Euthymia Cugnasca, whose father was Italian, from Lombardia. Agnes was born in São Paulo, the daughter of José Nicolini, whose parents were Italian, with his mother being from Emilia-Romagna; and of Maria Lopes.
Sources: Death record of Thiago’s paternal great-grandmother, Adelina (Föll) Wild – http://familysearch.org
Marriage record of Thiago’s paternal great-grandparents, Roberto Boger and Edmunda Grubert – http://familysearch.org
Genealogy of Thiago’s maternal great-grandparents, Friedrich Rupprecht Seyboth and Ingrun Klagges – http://familysearch.org
Marriage record of Thiago’s maternal great-grandparents, José Augusto da Silveira and Agnes Aparecida Nicolini – http://familysearch.org
Information on the Oling family – https://www.forum.wolhynien.de
Photo by Celso Pupo/Bigstock.com
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